Written By: Gardner Tarlow (62 years old, Height 5'10, 190 pounds, Senior B Rider)
To keep up with the mantra that 250F's aren't just for hyper active kids, there are a lot of older riders that love/need a 250F in their lives. Sometimes that 450cc power is simply too much, so we had our test rider…
A new Alpinestars Tech 7 is here for 2024! That’s right I’ve been putting some time in on these newer mid level boots from A-Stars and have some thoughts about them, but what did Alpinestars change within the Tech 7?
Alpinestars went to work on:
- A Redesigned medial and lateral double pivot…
If you want to get smarter about your suspension this show with Ricki Gilmour of KYB is one you should listen to. Ricki is the guy behind Eli Tomac, Cooper Webb as well as Justin Cooper's Star Racing Yamaha's KYB suspension. His knowledge of suspension as well as chassis settings are something to be heard…
We Are In The Scoop Era
We sit down with Corie Barbee to talk abut the Triumph TF 250-X. We will cover suspension settings, modifications, mechanical tips/tricks, torque settings, as well as how the Triumph has been holding up on our end. If you're in the market for a new Triumph or have one, listen to this show.
The 2025 Yamaha doesn’t have a ton of changes on paper but the changes that it does have seem significant enough to feel on the track. I have been messing with clickers as well as Yamaha Power Tuner maps and we’ve decided on the best ones right here. We also wanted to give you brief…
Tested/Written By: Victor Guerrero and Kris Keefer
We followed the written directions that were provided by XC Gear and for the most part the directions were pretty straight forward. The aluminum cone inserts share the same flat side as the OEM rubber cones for proper orientation inside the stock triple clamp. We did use a small…
Red vs. Yamaha, that is the battle. If you're looking into purchasing a 2025 Honda or Yamaha 450, listen to this show as it might make it easier for your purchase. Orrrr maybe you just need some direction on your new Honda or Yamaha? This show can help as well!
Looking for a smoother low end delivery on your 24-25 YZ450F? How about trying to keep the front wheel down when exiting corners? Want a little more rear wheel traction? Try this map!